Classified Accommodation Providers
Star ratings of Constance's hotels

Constance offers numerous classified accomodations. Find out what the ratings mean and get transparency & security when booking.

Classification of German hotels

The German Hotel and Restaurant Association (DEHOGA) runs a voluntary nationwide classification scheme for German hotels. Its aim is to offer guests greater transparency and peace of mind about packages and services available at their hotel before they arrive.


Click here to view the catalogue of criteria for the scheme.

The German Tourism Association's classification of holiday lets and private rooms

Marketing und Tourismus Konstanz GmbH has run a classification scheme for holiday lets and private rooms for several years. The classification is carried out by an independent assessor licensed by the German Tourism Association and using their uniform catalogue of criteria. The catalogue covers the accommodation itself, its location and the leisure activities offered by the provider. The classification is valid for three years.


Participation in the hotel classification scheme is voluntary. Accommodation providers without a star rating have not participated in the classification scheme. This is not a reflection on the standard of their facilities. Stars are awarded according to the number of points achieved during an inspection. Marketing and Tourismus Konstanz GmbH is not liable for any changes in the quality standards that may have occured since the last inspection.


Click here for further information on the criteria for private accommodation classification.

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