Opening hours & contact information

Opening times, addresses & contact form – get in touch with MTK and visiting us in person!


Contact information


Bahnhofplatz 43 (at the main station) | 78462 Konstanz

Opening hours

April – October


Monday - Friday: 9 am - 5 pm
Saturday: 9 am - 4 pm
Public holidays: 10 am - 3 pm
Sunday: closed
4th June: 9 am - 12.30 pm

November – March


Monday – Friday: 9am – 4pm

Saturday, Sunday & 
public holidays: closed



The tourist information office in Constance’s train station (Bahnhofplatz 43) is part of the travel information centre. The centre is your first port of call for:

  • Hotel bookings
  • Travel information (including for both Swiss and German rail services) 
  • Advance ticket bookings
  • Information on the town and the region
  • Constance shop
Kontakt Tourist-Info

Contact Tourist-Information:

Frank Baier 

Head of Tourist-Information
Bahnhofplatz 43 (at the mainstation) | 78462 Konstanz

Gabriele Friedrich

Tourist information
Bahnhofplatz 43 (at the mainstation) | 78462 Konstanz

Annette Gönner-Kolb

Tourist information
Bahnhofplatz 43 (at the mainstation) | 78462 Konstanz

Beatrix Popp

Tourist information
Bahnhofplatz 43 (at the mainstation) | 78462 Konstanz

Logo der Marketing & Tourismus Konstanz GmbH

Lena Piskernik

Tourist information
Bahnhofplatz 43 (at the mainstation) | 78462 Konstanz

Elisa Boos

Student trainee tourist information
Bahnhofplatz 43 (at the mainstation) | 78462 Konstanz

Elena Dangmann

Temporary staff tourist-information
Bahnhofplatz 43 (at the mainstation) | 78462 Konstanz

Obere Laube

Department of city marketing & Tourism

Contact information

Obere Laube 71 | 78462 Konstanz

The MTK phone lines are open:

April – October

Monday – Friday: 9am – 5pm

Saturday, Sunday & public holidays: closed


November – March

Monday – Friday: 9am – 12.30pm 
and 1.30pm – 5pm

Saturday, Sunday 
/ public holidays: closed

Kontakt Info-Centre

Contact form

Questions? Suggestions? Would like to request a brochure? please fill in the following form and get the requested information:

Contact information
Datenschutz & AGB
  • Privacy statement


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