Bregenz (A) Constance (D) St. Gallen (CH) — 3 countries, 3 cities and 1 “City Hopping” adventure around Lake Constance. This is a new way to discover neighbouring cities in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
Unpack once. Stay at one Hotel, and use trains, bikes and boats to expand your international territory any time of year. “Hotel Hopping” is a slightly different concept. This package has you moving around with overnights in each Lake Constance city: Bregenz, Austria; Constance, Germany; and St. Gallen, Switzerland.
Sparkling and international Lake Constance is framed by the Swiss and Austrian Alps and the soft Swabian hills on the German side. It is a fairytale setting crisscrossed
- by trains, bike paths, ferries, catamarans and ships,
- easily connecting 3 countries
- and two international harbors at Bregenz, Austria and Constance, Germany.
People use regular train service to explore the area and different cities by combining train, the bike network and local ship routes to navigate the region. Active travelers come to the “Bodensee” to feel rejuvenated and relaxed, enjoying three international cities with a lively culture scene and genuine alpine hospitality.
Cycling is a national pastime in all three countries with many miles of well-marked, paved paths around Lake Constance through beer gardens, vineyards, city gardens, UNESCO sights and flower-soaked islands and villages.
All Lake Constance international cities and sites are well connected by bike paths, ships and trains. There are hourly RegioExpress train connections between Constance and Bregenz. and hourly train connections between St. Gallen and Bregenz.
the Three cities in Germany, austria & switzerland